Educational Licenses
Get special discounts for schools, universities and students!
We know that education is expensive. This is why we offer special educational licenses for you to support your academic and educational goals. We want to help educators and teachers share their passion with the next generation, and fuel the student’s passion for music.
When it comes down to helping students, teachers and educators, ScanScore can be a huge benefit: the perfect tool for key-changing practices, transposing exercises, pitch and rhythm studies.
For these reasons we are happy to offer special discounts for our ScanScore products. The doors to the beautiful world of music are now open!
Academic discounts
Get full access to ScanScore Professional, our state-of-the-art edition music reading software with full-functionality for your organization today!
We have a special offer for teachers, schools and universities:
ScanScore Professional Educational license
$179 $139
…and a special offer for students:
ScanScore Professional Student license
$179 $119
Order now!
Order your academic license package via email by clicking on the "Contact us!" button. In order to benefit from the academic license, please attach an appropriate proof for your educational background.
Do you need a different package from the ones offered? Write us a message!
We're looking forward to hearing from you.
ScanScore Professional Educational Licenses
Special offers for schools, universities, students and teachers only. Choose your package now and click on the "Order now" button to get your discount.
Educational package
3 x ScanScore Professional
for educational use
$537 $299
Educational license
1x ScanScore Professional
for educational use
$179 $139
Student license
1x ScanScore Professional
for students